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    One woman's life completely turns around after reuniting with her handsome childhood friend in this steamy romance manga! Not only has Nagiko's employer gone belly up, but she's also been dumped by her longtime boyfriend! Feeling adrift, she reunites with her childhood friend Samegawa Kohei for the first time in years. And in the middle of catching up, he... proposes marriage?! The engagement may seem impulsive, but Kohei is clumsy, sweet, kind, and completely devoted to his new wife! What's more, his job in the Japanese Self-Defense Force requires daily training, and his extraordinary declarations of love never stop!

    Writers Izuki Niko
    Taal Engels
    Release Date 21-05-2025
    Streepjescode 9798893733884
    Publisher STEAMSHIP
    Website productcategorie Manga
    Keywords Romance