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    Word has come that Freya's half-sister Anna, who displaced her as head of the family business, is getting married. To make a clean break with the past and move forward, Freya feels compelled to return to the home that rejected and shunned her, but she can't do it alone. To avoid causing a scandal and making life harder for Freya, Neneo decides to pretend to be her slave while at the manor, even going so far as to take drugs to lose his voice so as not to ruin the ruse. But, even if temporarily, can Freya bring herself to treat the man she loves this way?

    Writers Unohara Miyuki
    Artiesten Unohara Miyuki
    Taal Engels
    Release Date 07-05-2025
    Streepjescode 9798888773185
    Website productcategorie This months Manga Preorders en All Recent Preorders
    Keywords Romance