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    Z2 proudly presents a graphic novel celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Cypress Hill’s seminal and groundbreaking album, Black Sunday. Writers Noah Callahan-Bever and Gabriel Alvarez take you on a narrative trip through the making of the album as the artwork of Ken Knudsten, Sebastian Piriz, Giorgio Pontrelli, Felix Ruiz and Guillermo Sanno immerses you deep in the vibe and historic cultural events that surrounded Cypress Hill as they brought Black Sunday to life. With new cover ART by the original album cover designer, Jay Papke, this is a tribute that is truly Insane in the Brain!

    Writers Noah Callahan-Bever en Gabriel Alvarez
    Artiesten Felix Ruiz , Ken Knudtsen , Sebastian Piriz , Giorgio Pontrelli en and Guillermo Sanna
    Product Vorm Hardcover
    Taal Engels
    Release Date 23-04-2025
    Streepjescode 9798886561494
    Publisher Z2
    Website productcategorie Comics
    Keywords Music