Muderburg (sic), a sleepy island town off the coast of Maine aims to maintain a quiet existence for their population of families, fishermen, craftspeople, and aging oddballs. But every so often, incursions from scheming outsiders require exgangster mayor Leo Scazzo (and his loving wife and children) to enact counterschemes in order to keep the peace for the other townsfolk... Collecting the complete run of short stories (serialized as Murderville in the 2010s) under one cover, Carol Lay’s vivacious cartooning keeps the light side of these dark comedies shining.
Writers | Carol Lay |
Artiesten | Carol Lay |
Product Vorm | Trade Paperback |
Taal | Engels |
Release Date | 05-02-2025 |
Streepjescode | 9798875000157 |
Website productcategorie | Comics |