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    A string of murders has left the residents of Ira Street feeling uneasy .although that's none of Shavonne's business. The penniless author is too busy trying to secure his next paycheck to pay much attention to such matters-well, that and figuring out what the deal is with his strange new neighbor, Lewellyn, a young and handsome man who spends his days peeling onions on the stairs right outside Shavonne's apartment. Shavonne tries not to concern himself, but when he makes a gruesome discovery during a candlelit dinner at Lewellyn's place, both his neighbor's eccentricities and the murders plaguing the community become harder to ignore

    Writers Sumnagi
    Artiesten Muk_bu
    Taal Engels
    Release Date 21-05-2025
    Streepjescode 9798400903427
    Publisher IZE PRESS
    Website productcategorie Manga
    Keywords Crime