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    Verite has integrated into the Friedkin family surprisingly well, despite Sabrian's apprehension. He and Blanche have found a friend in each other, and the whole palace is buzzing with excitement about how the king and queen are now sharing a bed chamber! While this is an exciting development for the couple, Abigail feels conflicted about her growing feelings for Sabrian... And Sabrian, on the other hand, is grappling with his own romantic feelings, while also trying to stave off Raven's continued advances on his wife! Can the couple find it within themselves to tell each other how they truly feel?

    Writers Iru
    Artiesten Mo9Rang
    Taal Engels
    Release Date 18-06-2025
    Streepjescode 9798400903281
    Publisher IZE PRESS
    Website productcategorie This months Manga Preorders en All Recent Preorders