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    Jugyeong Lim has been treated unfairly by her family and bullied by her enemies due to being perceived as ugly. She learns how to use makeup by binge-watching online video tutorials. As she slowly masters the art of makeovers, her dramatic transformation leads to overwhelming popularity and fame. Jugyeong persuades Seojun to help her by posing for some product promos, and suddenly he begins to get modeling jobs. Jugyeong is really excited for him, but she's even happier when the two of them begin dating. She starts to think she has finally found a boyfriend and true love. But when Seojun reunites with some old friends, and begins keeping secrets from Jugyeong, she can't help wondering if their relationship might be doomed before it's even begun. Collects episodes 64-79.

    Writers Yaongyl
    Artiesten Yaongyl
    Taal Engels
    Release Date 07-05-2025
    Streepjescode 9781990778124
    Website productcategorie This months Manga Preorders en All Recent Preorders
    Keywords Drama