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    A judge is stabbed at a kendo tournament where Harley is competing-and preparing to confess his feelings to Kazuha. A waiter is brutally murdered at a caf , and every one of his coworkers has a motive. As the Detective League heads home from a soccer match, a crook is strangely fixated on stealing Anita's beloved souvenir. Conan can handle all these cases and more, but they're nothing compared to the bigger problem consuming his every waking moment: can he turn back into Jimmy Kudo long enough to join Rachel on a romantic class trip to Kyoto?

    Writers Aoyama Gosho
    Artiesten Aoyama Gosho
    Taal Engels
    Release Date 09-04-2025
    Streepjescode 9781974752393
    Publisher VIZ MEDIA LLC
    Website productcategorie Manga