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    Azemichi and Taiyo are One-Way Ticket to the Top, the final performers of the Wara-1 Koshien prelims! Between Azemichi's carefully scripted comedy and Taiyo's flawless acting, they've got the perfect routine to win over the crowd. But despite having started off with the biggest laughs of the day, Azemichi draws a blank halfway through their routine and forgets his next line! Unless Azemichi and Taiyo can save their performance, they may have just lost their only chance at making their comedy dreams come true

    Writers Asakura Akinari
    Artiesten Obata Takeshi
    Taal Engels
    Release Date 17-01-2024
    Streepjescode 9781974742950
    Publisher VIZ MEDIA LLC
    Website productcategorie Manga