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    Book 1 of the Barsoom Series - Authorized by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., and Featuring Rare and Previously Unpublished Archival Materials Mysteriously projected to Mars, Captain John Carter of Virginia finds himself a captive of the savage Tharks, four-armed green Martian warriors roving the dead sea bottoms. Among them he meets one who will change his life forever-the incomparable Dejah Thoris, regal princess of the nation of Helium, captured while on a scientific mission to study the dwindling atmosphere of dying Barsoom. With the steel of his sword and the strength of his earthly muscles, John Carter will stop at nothing to free the woman who has captured his heart, even as she spurns his love. But winning liberty will be only the first challenge for the Earthman when fate throws Dejah Thoris into the clutches of Helium's greatest enemy. For the first time ever, the Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Library presents the complete literary works of the Master of Adventure in handsome uniform editions. Published by the company founded by Burroughs himself in 1923, each volume of the Authorized Library is packed with extras and rarities not to be found in any other edition. From cover art and frontispieces by legendary artist Joe Jusko to forewords and afterwords by today's authorities and luminaries to a treasure trove of bonus materials mined from the company's extensive archives in Tarzana, California, the Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Library will take you on a journey of wonder and imagination you will never forget.

    Writers Burroughs Edgar Rice
    Artiesten Jusko Joe
    Product Vorm Hardcover
    Taal Engels
    Release Date 05-03-2025
    Streepjescode 9781951537241
    Website productcategorie Comics
    Keywords Science Fiction