>>> Strips, Comics, Manga, Toys, Merchandise, ... AND MUCH MORE !  


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    Two children are close neighbors and love playing together. Then one day they are separated when one of the families moves to the other side of the world. But the boy leaves her a present and a promise. 20 years later a flavor awakens her memories. A mother's gift for knitting lays unappreciated until it is almost too late. As she grows older and raises a family, a woman holds on to her memories of a first love and a toothbrush. A hand-made present and a small lie lead to great upset. A soccer shirt is a poor substitute for the idol that should be wearing it. Yani Hu whips up recipes of young love in its many forms in these five not-so-little stories from China told with innocence and a certain oriental twist.

    Writers Yani Hu
    Artiesten Yani Hu
    Taal Engels
    Release Date 27-06-2018
    Streepjescode 9781912097333
    Publisher FANFARE presents PONENT MON
    Website productcategorie Graphic Novels
    Keywords Romance