>>> Strips, Comics, Manga, Toys, Merchandise, ... AND MUCH MORE !  


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    This second volume collects together what are probably the most emblematic Blake & Mortimer titles: the two-parter Mystery of the Great Pyramid, and above all the incredible Yellow M, an instant classic that propelled its author into the ranks of bande dessin e greats. Graphic quality, narrative rigour, constant dramatic tension, and that touch of the unreal that are the trademark of the series, it's all there. Along with, of course, 40 pages of extra material on the creation of such seminal stories!

    Writers Jacobs Edgar P.
    Artiesten Jacobs Edgar P.
    Product Vorm Trade Paperback
    Taal Engels
    Release Date 28-05-2025
    Streepjescode 9781800441484
    Publisher CINEBOOK
    Website productcategorie Comics
    Keywords Action/Adventure