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    Determined to ensure negotiations fall though, the company has implemented a plan of sanctions, pressure, and complaints against the union members. Will Yi Su-in, Gu Go-sin and their team of determined workers be able to carry on their fight despite everything? Having established itself as a must for salaried workers, a veritable textbook on labor, and a Bible for all workers, The Awl is now complete in a total of six volumes. A recipient of the Korean Cartoon of Today Prize, this tour de force has enhanced public perceptions of labor problems according to many evaluators. This work sharply depicts labor problems, which constitute the most crucial issue in South Korean and many other societies. In addition to conveying a social message, The Awl attains both dramatic entertainment value and artistry through outstanding construction and storytelling, so much so that it has established itself as a monumental work in South Korean webcomics.

    Writers Gyu-Seok Choi
    Artiesten Gyu-Seok Choi
    Taal Engels
    Release Date 07-05-2025
    Streepjescode 9781684972715
    Website productcategorie Manga
    Keywords Action/Adventure