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    At long last, the runaway teenage girl has resolved to return home. After Sayu's older brother appears, Yoshida and Sayu only have a small amount of time remaining together. In the span of just a few days, what will they say, and what will they do? 'I think I just might be able to make it on my own.'Having met Yoshida, having overcome her unbearable past, Sayu makes a decision from the bottom of her heart. This strange tale of the bond between a runaway girl and a single salaryman reaches its climax!

    Writers Shimesaba
    Artiesten Adachi Imaru
    Taal Engels
    Release Date 07-05-2025
    Streepjescode 9781642734461
    Publisher ONE PEACE BOOKS
    Website productcategorie This months Manga Preorders en All Recent Preorders
    Keywords Romance