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    Hunted by giant primordial beasts, red in tooth and claw, a tribe of cavegirls scratch out a bleak existence in a brutal uncaring world. They cling onto a life where not many make it beyond the first few months, let alone to adulthood. Governed by ancient laws and arcane rituals - the only constants they have - they follow the old ways on pain of death. But One Path, a hunter and warrior, has a plan to change their lives. To free them from the toll the great predators that stalk them charge, and it will overturn everything they know.

    Writers Greg Broadmore
    Artiesten Greg Broadmore
    Product Vorm Hardcover
    Taal Engels
    Release Date 09-04-2025
    Streepjescode 9781545819364
    Publisher MAD CAVE STUDIOS
    Website productcategorie Comics
    Keywords Action/Adventure