Memories is an anime film directed by Katsuhiro Otomo and features 3 short stories. FROM THE CREATOR OF “AKIRA” COMES THREE UNFORGETTABLE ANIMATED TALES. FEATURING A BRAND NEW ENGLISH DUB! Episode 1: Magnetic Rose: Alone on a mysterious ship in deepest space, she waits. Once a beloved diva, she is now nothing more than memories. And for unsuspecting travellers that respond to her beacon, she will be their undoing. Episode 2: Stink Bomb: A junior scientist gets the flu, and decides to try out some newly developed pills. But he takes the wrong ones, turning him into a walking, talking, and exceptionally clueless weapon of mass destruction. Episode 3: Cannon Fodder: A day in the life of a small family in a big city. In this city, there is only war. There are no dreams, there is only labour. And there is no god, only a gigantic cannon.
Taal | Engels |
Streepjescode | 5037899088074 |
Website productcategorie | DVD's |