CODE GEASS Akito The Exiled Blu-ray
All five OVA episodes of the Japanese anime series directed by Kazuki Akane. Set in an alternate near-future world where Japan has been invaded by the Holy Empire of Britannia and renamed Area 11, and supernatural powers of mind control known as the Geass are used to influence rebellion. The OVA's follow the adventures of young skilled pilot Akito (voice of Miyu Irino) as he teams up with fellow pilot Leila (Maaya Sakamoto). The episodes are: 'The Wyvern Arrives', 'The Wyvern Divided', 'The Brightness Falls', 'Memories of Hatred' and 'To Beloved Ones'.
Taal | Engels |
Streepjescode | 5022366964241 |
Website productcategorie | DVD's |